SOLIVIS provides innovative solutions for next-generation storage systems through its proprietary solid electrolytes technology.

We have been developing solid electrolytes with our unique and innovative technology by our talented R&D people.
We are a technology-oriented company with 65% of its employees comprised of R&D personnel, and we have competitive technology in sulfide-based solid electrolytes especially.
Through our core competency, we will be global No.1 in solid electrolytes by 2030.
We will contribute to the development of the next-generation battery systems and electric mobility technologies through our sustainable R&D activities.

Mission & Vision

  • 8th Fl. Misa Dongil Nexus, 30 Misagangbyeonjungang-ro 31 beon-gil, Hanam-si, Gyeonggi, Korea
  • CEO: Dongwook Shin
  • Business registration number: 192-86-01618
  • Tel : 031-794-1994
  • Fax: 031-794-1993
  • E-mail: